Saturday, January 12, 2008

#12 - Sunset in Lorena, Texas

Sasha's aunt and uncle invited us to their house to eat dinner and play poker last night, this was taken out of their driveway right when we got there. They have an excellent view from their house and I wish we would have been there a little earlier so that I could have caught a better sunset. Either way, dinner was great and poker was very fun.. It was a little different than usual because usually we enjoy a few cocktails while we play, but 1 shot of Jack Daniels is about 65 calories and then you add the Coke and it's even worse.. Of course we could have drank it with Coke Zero or another diet variety of the cola, but even still it just wouldn't be worth it..


1 comment:

Caryn said...

good for you for being conscious of the caloric content in the alcohol and soda and you had a good time anyway.