Friday, January 4, 2008

#4 - Bah.. Better pics next week (I promise)

I had a very busy day today and wound up working late so I got this picture on our way home from getting something to eat. Nothing special, I thought that the never-ending stop lights would make a cool pic, but the camera didn't want to cooperate and focus for me.. Once it did I didn't have enough time to compose the shot or even take more than one pic.. I may buy a good quality point and shoot in the future, having my 300d available at all times doesn't seem to be feasible. There's tons of great things I'd like to take photos of, the problem is that I am also at work when I drive by most of the things I'd like to take pictures of and most of the time I'm going from one place to another and don't have time to stop.. Next week I'll be sure and make time..


1 comment:

Paul Franson said...

Don't sweat it dude. The great pics will come. I get about 1 out of every 10-15 that I'm really proud of, but I've committed to post one every day, so you get 2 doggy pics in the same week some times, and other times you get the surfer, the grapes, and/or the sunset.